The Alarm is ringing. This is my last day in High Wycombe. I have to pack my luggage. The atmosphere is heavy and nobody is communicating. I'm ashamed by what I've done yesterday and my only will is to remain alone.
I tidy all my belongings and clean my room.
It's was so beautiful. The wall were white and bright with elegant wooden furnitures. It was well organized for the messy girl I am. So, the immediate circle can change everything.
That room was perfect.
I sit down on the steps and take a while to think. I will miss this town,
the houses with red bricks, the hills, the greenery and first of all I will miss Mrs Jane.
A brillant lawyer from Kenya who came in England to pursuit his studies. She was leading his career and his family with the the strenght of a Lioness. At the down of his forties. She was superb.
She was encouraging his two sons to always moving forward in their life.
The was a clever and full of fineness as their mother.
One day, I will be like her.